Now Student Representative for the Birmingham School of Architecture
Today, I accepted the role of Student Representative for the Birmingham School of Architecture.
Roles I will be fulfilling will be as follows
Represent the views of students at school and faculty level and feedback to Student Academic Leaders and other students the outcomes of discussions.
Build relationships with key staff within the school and faculty, and with the Students’ Union, providing specific information about student issues and concerns.
Actively promote student participation in action focused student engagement/ quality enhancement activity.
To gather the views of students in their school through liaison with Student Academic Leaders including those at franchised colleges.
Attendance at Students’ Union/School Rep meetings and training.
Involvement in promoting Leadership elections and relevant Students’ Union campaigns and activities.
Involvement in specific tasks/projects to be identified at meetings with Head of School and/or Associate Dean.
To attend faculty/school meetings to be identified by Associate Dean and Head of School (for example, Faculty SELT/Faculty Academic Board and School Academic Board).
To feedback discussions and decisions from school and faculty meetings to students in the faculty and the Students’ Union.
To assist the University and the Union in the promotion of the National Student Survey and with preparations for the QAA audit process and other visits from external bodies relevant to the Faculty (when appropriate) and any other relevant activities relating to student feedback.
For more information, visit