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(MArch) RIBA Part II Architecture Portfolio

2015 - 2017: Projects developed during Birmingham City University
Studio Fable


At Birmingham City University, MArch student shave the opportunity to choose from 4 different themed studios as an overarching background for the design work; Plastic, Scar_City, Studio 3 and Fable


Fable is coordinated by Nic Howett (ARB RIBA) from Jonathan Tuckey Design in London and Alexis Germanos (RIBA) from 3x Architecture in London.


They believe in magical structures existing throughout the world in legend and method. Learning to design is about instilling a confidence that magic and the ineffable exist. As students, we were encouraged to find our way into these metaphysical worlds; once inside we returned and describe the journey through rigorous drawing and making. Fable was about translating these ideas back into a real architecture of quality and delight.

The following visualisation is the final celebration of Milton Keynes’ leyline.

It makes a statement about breaking away from the original utopian vision for Milton Keynes, which turns out not really being a utopia at all. As originally stated in initial research, utopias are defined by opposites and thus opposites are required for a compromise to obtain a true utopia.

Comprehending all of the hidden stories and myths in the city, the proposal for The Point symbolises the setting free from the gridded labyrinth of concrete, steel and glass that comprises Central Milton Keynes. 

Designing architecture according to one person’s vision is not what makes architecture in a setting, but rather a deeper consideration for users and their needs and being as creative and relative to the cultural fabric to be found within the city, which in this case is sculptures.


During the Critical Urbanism unit, we needed to make physical models based on our personal ideas of utopia. Following on from this initial process, we then went on to conduct analysis of Milton Keynes, which will give us the background material for the proposed design intervention that would be explored in the next unit: Architectural Synergies.

Co_LAB: Minerva Works - Economic Landscape

The BCU Co_LAB brought together 16 students, ranging from MArch Architecture, BA Architecture and  BA  Landscape Architecture. We collaborated with Sue Ball from MAAP for the redevelopment of Warwick Bar in Digbeth.

Starting the research process in September 2015, their first presentation was on 16 December at the BOM Gallery. The Co_LAB team offered a illustrative animated  presentation and addressed the research under Land Use; Urban Design Strategy; Waterside Regeneration, Social Networks and Economies.

There was a Q&A after the 45 minute presentation which was well received by tenants.

The research showed;
• the gradations of land use across the wider area of Digbeth through mapping the space, including industrial/garden/restaurants & takeaways /accommodation/education and gallery/office categories
• an economic landscape appraisal offered an analysis of the area and site through Conservation and Planning and in detail carparking provision
• how networked organisations are and their social media use
• feedback on the tenant interviews and qualitative data demonstrating the geographic reach of company services and their reasons for locating at WB.


The second half of the presentation looked at proposed CoLAB outputs, strategies and designs for WB, and considered in detail the potential of pocket parks and threshold landscaped works in dormant sites within the vicinity of WB that adopt and reinforce landscape or typographic devices used at WB to create a staged sense of arrival.

Presentation Slide Samples

Co_LAB Minerva Works Closing Credits 


Closing credits to the presentation as displayed at Centrala on April 8th 2016, acknowledging all students and staff involved with this Collaborative Project


Existing Context Photographs

Angel (feat. Julie Elven) - R. Armando Morabito
00:00 / 00:00

from the album

"Days of Tomorrow"

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